Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dave V. has ask....

What happened to the Blog?

We can't seem to keep an interest going. People need to post on the blog or at the very least comment in an email that we can post on the blog. The idea is to have continuing dialogue. It doesn't have to be daily but should be at least a couple of times each week.

Let's give it another try. New year maybe there will be new interest.

To start the new year I've got some great news for the area.
The Cross Lake Inn & Marina is hosting the Cross Lake Vintage Race Boat Regatta August 6, 7, & 8th (this year). This will be an annual event that will give the economy in our area a nice kick.

This regatta is sanctioned by the American Power Boat Association. The Cross Lake Regatta has unique connection to Cross Lake that some of you may remember.

In the 1950's the Cross Lake Hotel hosted American Power Boat Association boat races. Who knows maybe some of the boats that raced then may be in the vintage regatta this August.

We are in search of photos, news articles, programs or whatever anyone may have from the 1950's races.

I have a couple of photos I'll get posted in a couple of days.

Does anyone remember the 1950's races?


Dave Vrooman said...

Does anyone know what happened to the hundreds of photos that Barney Knoblock took in the 50's and probably 60's and beyond. It seems to me that he was always there with his camera, no matter how large or small the event was. I know a lot of his work ended up in the Jordan Leader

Maureen said...

I'll check with the historical society. If they don't ahve any of his photos maybe they have some Jordan Leaders from that era.

Thanks for the suggestions Dave.

Dave Vrooman said...

I guess no one back there has anything to say. Too bad, I have enjoyed this blog. I suspect it will go the way of the Edsel.

Debbie said...

maybe need to let people know about the blog. pass out flyers at the main events in jordan like parades and the festival etc.