Sunday, October 11, 2009

Festival is over....I'm almost

recovered! Whew! Sorry it took so long for me to get back in the groove!

John Pinckney has shared this information about the Jordan High School Class of 1960:
John is also working on getting some class photos we can post. If you have any why not share them?

Jordan Central School , CLASS OF 60 CLASS LIST

* = Have phone number or other contact information
x = Deceased

The girl's names are listed as they were at the time of our graduation not their married names, if any.

Names are in the same sequence as the graduation picture montage.

x - John Pilipovic
* - Patricia Muncy
x - Kaiton Yawney
- Joan Neuman
* - Juanita Daniels
- Vincent O'Ree
* - Deana Polmanteer
- David O'Brien
x - Sally Pert
- Don Scullion
* - Bob McCard
- Jan Peterson
* - Jerry Roach
- Pat Arnold
- Bob Seales
- Loretta Bryce
* - John Pinckney
- Kathie Daley
- Donna Ferguson
* - Ron Dewey
- Pat Wickes
* - John DiRisio
- Bill Flask
- Sharon Warner
- Bob Jones
* - Sharon Robinson
- Clara Kenney
x - Jim Stetson
- Jeanne Lukins
- Mike DeForest
* - Sharon Ashby
- Lynne Harris
- Ray Duffy

Our class advisor was Leo Tranka who still lives in Jordan.
Contact John Pinckney at

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